The consequences of
Let’s review; According to verse 3, Jude states that it was his sincere desire to write to his readers about the salvation that they commonly shared. But something happened. He states that instead of writing to them about our great salvation, he felt led of God to write to them, urging them to fight for the gospel. One of the reasons why he felt led to write urging them to fight for the gospel is because the gospel was under attack by apostate, false teachers. In verse four (4), Jude states that these apostate, false teachers were stealthily placed by Satan into the fellowship of believers. Jude further described these Apostates as condemned, ungodly and deceptive.
Let’s review; According to verse 3, Jude states that it was his sincere desire to write to his readers about the salvation that they commonly shared. But something happened. He states that instead of writing to them about our great salvation, he felt led of God to write to them, urging them to fight for the gospel. One of the reasons why he felt led to write urging them to fight for the gospel is because the gospel was under attack by apostate, false teachers. In verse four (4), Jude states that these apostate, false teachers were stealthily placed by Satan into the fellowship of believers. Jude further described these Apostates as condemned, ungodly and deceptive.
Now according to verse five (5) Jude declares that he is also writing to remind his fellow believers of something that they’ve already learned and should still be mindful of. You know, we need to be reminded of things that we have learned in times past. Why? For two reasons:
1. In the words of D.L. Moody, "We leak".
2. James writes, that we believers are sometimes, "forgetful hearers" (1:25)
1. In the words of D.L. Moody, "We leak".
2. James writes, that we believers are sometimes, "forgetful hearers" (1:25)
Let me tell you exactly what Jude is reminding his fellow believers of; it can be summed up as follows: "There are consequences for defecting from the gospel".
Hear this loud and clear, Jude is NOT writing to believers about believers defecting from the gospel. Listen! Let me make this crystal clear based on what the Bible teaches. True believers in Christ NEVER need fear defecting from the gospel. To say it this more clearly, true believers CAN, NEVER defect from the gospel. I guess you call this Eternal Security. I’m fully convinced that a true believer in Christ can NEVER lose his/her salvation. My belief is anchored in understanding the bible’s teaching on the sovereignty of God in our total Salvation. If according to Scripture I had nothing to do with gaining my salvation, then it’s only reasonable to believe that I have nothing to do with losing my salvation. Eternal security CANNOT be properly understood apart from an understanding of Sovereign Election, the two go hand in hand. Listen! If you don’t affirm sovereign election, you cannot affirm eternal security. If man is a free moral agent (which he is not) and can choose when he/she is saved, then he/she can choose when not to be saved as well. Therefore, when you read all of the so-called warning passages in Scripture (e.g. Hebrews 6). You must understand that these passages are NOT addressing true believers (i.e. “possessing professors”) rather they are addressing “non- possessing professors”. True believers don’t have to worry about defecting from the gospel because of the sovereign work of salvation. True believers are secure in Christ, not because of anything that they’ve done, rather, they are secure in Christ because and ONLY because of what He’s done for and in them (cf. Jude 1; Rom 8:28-30; Phil 1:6). Therefore, Jude is NOT writing to remind his fellow believers about the dangers of defecting from the gospel, rather he is writing to remind his fellow believers that all false teachers will suffer the consequences of their defection from the truth. While we are engaged in the daily struggle of fighting for the sanctity and clarity of the gospel both inside and outside the church from apostate false teachers, it’s encouraging to know that ultimately they will get what they deserve in the end and that’s what Jude encouragingly reminds his readers of.
In verses 5-7, Jude recalls for his readers three historic groups in order to illustrate and remind his readers that there are indeed consequences for defecting from the gospel:
A. Historic group number one: Israel (vs. 5)
“Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe”.
Jude writes that, “the Lord” (i.e. the sovereign master of the universe) after physically rescuing (i.e. saving) a people out of the land of Egypt – this people is none other than Israel (Ex 12:33f; 1 Cor 10:5-10; Heb 3:16f). Subsequently destroyed (i.e. brought to ruin, loss of well-being; not extinction. The Bible DOES NOT teach Annihilationism) those who did not believe.
B. Historic group number two: Angels (vs. 6)
“…And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day…”
Much can be learned about “Angels”. In fact a whole segment of Systematic Theology is dedicated to the study of angels called, Angelology. Therefore suffice it to say, Angels are God’s handiwork, created for His glory (cf. Ps 145:2, 5; Col 1:16-17). Jude states that some of the angelic host, “… did not keep their own domain…” This means that some of the angels did not hold fast or cling to their God assigned positions or sphere of influence (i.e. domain). Interestingly the verb “keep” here in verse six is in the Active voice meaning that these particular angels acted of their own volition and chose to leave their assigned roles. Angels do have free will. Jude further states that these certain angels, “…abandoned their proper abode…” The word, “abandoned” here is a military term and speaks of one deserting an assigned post. The phrase, “proper abode” simply means here, “home” or “dwelling”. Therefore, some of these angels exerted their wills and deserted not only their assigned roles, but their assigned heavenly dwelling. Jude concludes his thoughts on angels by stating that those who abandoned both role and dwelling now face the consequences of their actions. He states that God keeps these disobedient angels in, “…eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day”. Therefore at one moment in time past, God rounded up all the disobedient angels, imprisoned them in the neither regions where utter darkness is defined as that which one can feel (cf. 2 Pet 2:4,17). God continues to keep these angels in bondage until they face ultimate judgment.
C. Historic group number three: Sodom and Gomorrah (vs. 7)
“…just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire”
Genesis 13 introduces us to the places of Sodom and Gomorrah (cf. vs. 10). The reason I say, “places” is because they were two separate places evidenced by the fact that they were governed by two separate kings (cf. Gen 14:2, 8). According to Gen 13; Abraham and his nephew Lot began to have some conflict over space (vs. 6). Abraham provides a solution by having Lot choose wherever he wanted to settle (vs. 9). Lot looks out over the vast land mass – the valley Jordan – likes what he sees and chooses it. It just so happens that two of the cities in the “valley” were Sodom and Gomorrah. Verse 12 states that Lot moved his tents into Sodom. You know it’s funny, we often pick places to live based on the property and not the people. That’s what happened to Lot; he saw the beauty of the suburbs and didn’t consider the depravity of the residents. Verse13 states, “Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the LORD”. The other cities around Sodom and Gomorrah included: Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar (Gen 14:8). Jude writes that all these cities were corrupt and sinful and gave themselves to “…gross immorality and going after strange flesh….” The Greek word for, “gross immorality” is the word from which we derive the English word pornography. This word speaks of any kind of illicit sexual intercourse. Now you know this right? Any kind of sexual activity outside of the bonds of marriage is illicit. This lets me know that marriage was not high on the priority list in the, “valley”. The idea of strange flesh is really weird it’s a compound word which means, “Flesh of different kinds”. What’s being said here is that their sexual expression was not just confined to humans. As we know, Sodom and the surrounding cities were destroyed by God’s judgment of fire (cf. Gen 19:24f).
What’s interesting is that the three characteristics and consequences that describe these three historic groups are the same characteristics and consequences that are found in and will be experienced by all false teachers:
1. Israel was characterized by unbelief and was subsequently destroyed. In the same way false teachers are characterized by unbelief will subsequently be destroyed by God.
2. Angels were characterized by rebellion and were judged by God. In the same way false teachers are characterized by rebellion and will be judged by God.
3. Sodom and Gomorrah were characterized by immorality and perversity and were punished by God. In the same way false teachers are characterized by immorality and perversity and will be punished by God in Hell.
Remember! Jude is NOT writing to warn his fellow believers about the dangers of defecting from the gospel - because true believers can’t defect. Rather he is writing to encourage his fellow believers that are engaged in the battle for the gospel that all false teachers who have crept into the church will one day be judged and will suffer the consequences of their defection from the truth of the gospel”.
For His Glory,