The Gospel

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A tribute to Dr. John MacArthur - Todd McCauley

As I reflect on Dr. MacArthur's monumental accomplishment (having preached verse by verse through the ENTIRE New Testament) I'm both thrilled and saddened.  I'm thrilled because ALL of Dr. MacArthur's teaching, from the start to finish is available free of charge from the Grace to You website (  I remember years ago when you had to subscribe to the GTY Tape lending library in order to hear John's current stuff, but now it's free, 42 yrs worth (Feb 1969 - Jun 2011).

I'm also saddened because, this kind of dedicated, focused, expository ministry only comes along every blue moon.  When it comes to this kind of enduring, focused teaching ministry, there are many men who start well but end up mumbling about psychology or mysticism.  Example, at work I had a chance to talk to a recently retired pastor, some 40 plus yrs.  The best advice he had for me was to get involved in comptemplative prayer.  What!!!  After 40+ yrs of pastoral ministry, the best thing that you've experienced is contemplative prayer? 

My heart aches for Urban America.  I pray for UA, and I think and strategize often for UA.  The Kind of systematic, expository, verse by verse, book by book, teaching ministry that Dr. MacArthur has faithfully been engaged in over the last 42 yrs (since Feb, 1969) , in the same place (Grace Community Church, Calif) is something that doesn't happen much, if at all in UA.  I think UA to some degree would be a different place if we had men who committed to the same kind of long term, enduring, faithful expository teaching ministry in the same location. The hopeful news is just because I can't name one man of color who is on track to finish the entire NT Word by word, verse by verse, book by book, in his ministry lifetime, doesn't mean it's not happening.  I hope and pray that God will raise up a generation of Bible teaching pastors who's only goal is feed the flock the whole council of God and NOT just parts.  

Thank you Dr. John