The Gospel

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Charleston S.C in Biblical perspective (Hebrews 9:27)

Whether you live in Charleston or not, everyone has been impacted by the tragedy that took place on Wednesday evening at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Nine people including the Pastor lost their lives in a senseless attack by 21 year old Dylann Roof. The responses to these killings shoot the gamut from anger to forgiveness, to debates as to whether churches should now “arm” the Ushers. My response as a follower of Christ is always to ask, “What does God’s word have to say about this”? And you know what? There is a word from the Lord. In the Book of Hebrews, chapter nine, verse 27, the writer states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”. In order to make sense of this senseless tragedy, we MUST understand God’s perspective on death. Before we dig deeper, I must say that what you read may not bring you immediate comfort or encouragement. This exposition may not alleviate you anger and frustration. But what I hope happens is that you gain some clarity on what took place in Charleston.
Hebrews 9:27 uncovers for us four (4) important realities about death that we all need to know:

Reality #1
Death is certain (“And as it is appointed…..”)
The word “appointed” means, something that is reserved, certain, and destined. Therefore the writer declares that death (Physical death) is reserved, certain and mankind’s destiny. Folks there is no surer reality in life than physical death. Someone asked me, “Why do people have to die? The Bible is clear. The reason why mankind is subject to death is because of SIN. When Adam violated God’s righteous standard (Gen 2:15-17) the Bible states sin thereby entered the world of humanity followed by death (Rom 5:12). Because of sin, death is reserved, certain and destined for all humanity. Why did the 9 people in this Charleston South Carolina A.M.E church die, because they were black? Well their ethnicity may have been the Catalyst, but the true cause is because they like you and I were sinners and subject to the curse of sin, namely death.

Reality #2
Death is certain for all men (“…….for men…….”)
The word “men” here is a generic term which speaks of “ALL humanity”. Every Human being regardless of gender or age is subject to physical death. Friends, death is no respecter of persons, death is not racist, and death doesn’t play favorites. Everybody is going to die. But here’s the deal, there is not a set prescribed way that people are going to die. For example, everybody’s not’s going to die at 88 yrs. old peaceably in their bed. The Book of Hebrews, chapter 11 verses 36-38 states, “Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented— 38 of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth”. This also includes churches.

Reality #3
Death is a onetime event (“…..once to die……”)
Folks, we must understand that based on this verse concepts like reincarnation are false. We don’t get several shots at this life, men and women are not born with 9 lives. In light of this fact we should take the Apostles Paul’s advice seriously, “make the most of your time” (Eph 5:16).

Reality #4
Death leads to certain judgment (“…….but after this the judgment”)
Physical death is NOT the end. When people die they don’t cease to exist. The Bible is clear, following death comes judgment. This is the divine judgment carried out by Christ. The Bible speaks of judgment for BOTH the believer and unbeliever when they die.

First, what happens when the believer dies?
a. His/her, soul/spirit goes to Heaven to be with Christ (2 Cor 5:8)
b. At the Rapture of the Church the believer’s soul/spirit is reunited with his/her resurrected body (1 Thess 4)
c. All believers are reunited with each other and the Lord in Heaven during the time of Tribulation on the earth (1 Thess 4; John 14:6). It’s in heaven that the believer’s works are judged in order to determine his/her degree of reward (2 Cor 5).
d. At Christ’s Second coming all the saints return from Heaven with Him to live and reign on the earth during His Millennial Kingdom reign (Rev 20:4-6).

Second, what happens when the Unbeliever dies?
a. His/her, soul/spirit goes to Hell where in conscious torment they await the Judgment of God (Luke 16:19-31); Rev 20:11).
b. After the Millennial reign of Christ, the Dead are brought before the “White throne” of judgment where their works will be judged, not to determine whether they go to heaven, but to determine their degree of punishment in the “Lake of Fire” (Rev 20:11ff).

When I think about the deaths of these folks in Charleston S.C. my hope is that each of these nine precious souls knew Christ as Lord and Savior, because if they did, they are more alive today than they ever have been in their entire lives. The plain truth is that many of us who name the name of Christ are not ready to die because we either have a non-existing or underdeveloped theology of death. Listen, when one knows the truth of God's word related to death, no matter what the circumstances we can and will experience the hope that's ours in Christ.
