The Gospel

Friday, December 23, 2011

Evangelism encounter: Myles

I've mentioned before that I currently work as a Security Officer here in North Carolina.  I work in an office building and have opportunity each day to intersect with many kinds of people.  Yesterday, I had the chance to talk to a fellow that I've seen several times in the past.  His name is Miles.  He is a good looking guy who could be a Hollywood actor.  Miles works as a transport driver for disabled patients and about a month ago while waiting on a patient we got into an interesting conversation.  He shared with me that at one point in his life, he was a drug addict, suffered from ADHD, and experienced a tough divorce several years earlier but had an experience several years ago that totally delivered him.  Of course I'm all ears but my shift was over and I had to leave.  I told him that the next time he was in the building he would have to tell me more of his story.  Well that next time was yesterday.  Miles and I sat down and he began to pick up where he left off.  He credited his "miraculous" deliverance to "God" who he say's speaks to him on a regular basis.  This was my first clue that something was off in his theology.  He told me that "God" was the author of both good and evil therefore it's up to man to choose the "best" options.  Of course if man consistently chooses the good over evil, when he dies he will be rewarded with "Heaven".  He also told me that he doesn't believe in organized religion because "religion" divides and he also denied Scripture as  God's word because of course it was written by evil men who corrupted it.  Now here is the straw that broke the camel's hump (is that how it goes?)  He stated that because God is the author of BOTH evil and good there is "NO" sin.  In fact he said that He no longer sins since his "religious" experience.  At this point I could stands no more and I jumped in and asked, "Miles since your experience, how does your life now line up with the 10 commandments?  "Have you lied? he said, "No". I asked, "Have you lusted in your heart after women?  He said, "Nope".  I finally asked, "have you loved God with all your being?  He stated, "absolutely".  The thing I love about using the 10 commandments in evangelism is because like a good diagnostic machine they expose the sinful heart for what it is. Miles may not admit it, but he violated the first commandment which states, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3).  Because of his rejection of the Bible, Miles had created or given himself to a "god"  other than the God of the Bible.  Miles was an Idolater who if he didn't repent would spend eternity not in Heaven, but in Hell.  I attempted to expose Miles to the virtues of Jesus' person and work on the cross, but he was fixed on his own ideas.  I pray that Miles will repent before it's too late.

For His Glory,