The Gospel

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Grace of God in Salvation Ephesians 2:8-10 - Todd McCauley

The Scripture passage pictured below I’m sure is very familiar. I decided to take this passage, tear it apart to see what I could glean. The verses below, taken from Ephesians 2:8-9 come from a larger CONTEXT, Ephesians 2:1-10. If I were outlining this passage it might look like this:
I. The Depravity of Man (vs 1-3)
II. The Grace of God (vs 4-10)
Ephesians 2:4-10 concern the Grace of God in Salvation. I won’t bore you with all the exegetical stuff but let me leave you with a few lessons that I learned about our great Salvation (i.e., Deliverance from the power and penalty of sin) from this passage, Ephesians 2:8-10:
1. Grace (i.e., God’s unmerited, sovereign favor) is the BASIS of our salvation.
2. Faith (i.e., Trust in Christ as a living person for forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God) is the means of APPROPRIATING our salvation.
NO ONE is saved apart from the Grace of God, and NO ONE is saved apart from exercising faith (i.e., trust in Christ alone). Therefore, the salvation transaction is by “Grace through faith” in Christ alone.
3. Salvation is a PERMANENT transaction (i.e., Once saved, totally saved).
4. Salvation is a GIFT from God (i.e., Something He gives, NOT something we earn).
5. God and God ALONE is the source of our salvation.
6. Salvation is NOT nor will it EVER be gained by Human EFFORT or PERFORMANCE (i.e., works).
Concerning points # 4 & 6, D.L. Moody said, “The thief had nails through both hands, so that he could not work; and a nail through each foot, so that he could not run errands for the Lord; he could not lift a hand or a foot toward his salvation, and yet Christ offered him the gift of God, and he took it. Christ threw him a passport, and took him into Paradise”.
7. The PURPOSE of Salvation is God’s glory ALONE (i.e., The is absolutely no room for human pride in the salvation transaction).
8. True salvation always works itself out in real life (i.e., We are saved to do good works, not by good works). Can I say this, Good works are the “True” evidence of Salvation.

in nōmine Patris et Fīliī et Spīritūs Sānctī

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Expositors, NOT Motivators - Todd McCauley

I made a statement on Facebook the other day which was, "God has NOT called us to be
"Motivators", even though that may be a consequence of what we do. Rather, God has called us to be "Expositors". Someone responded and asked me to prove what I just said.

Here is my response:

Let's take a look at what I see as the start of the expository pulpit ministry. Check out Nehemiah 8:1-8 (NKJV)

8 Now all the people gathered together as one man in the open square that was in front of the Water Gate; and they t
old Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded Israel. 2 So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with understanding on the first day of the seventh month. 3 Then he read from it in the open square that was in front of the Water Gate from morning until midday, before the men and women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.

4 So Ezra the scribe stood on a platform of wood which they had made for the purpose; and beside him, at his right hand, stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Urijah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah; and on his left hand Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah, Hashum, Hashbadana, Zechariah, and Meshullam. 5 And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up. 6 And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God.

Then all the people answered, “Amen, Amen!” while lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.

7 Also, Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, helped the people to understand the Law; and the people stood in their place. 8 So they READ distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they GAVE THE SENSE, and helped them to UNDERSTAND the reading.

***************So from the OT example above, the Expository method involves:

1. READING the Text,

2. EXPLAINING the text (i.e., giving the sense and helping them to UNDERSTAND the reading).

3. APPLYING the text (part of understanding is knowing HOW something works OR APPLIES).

This same Expository FRAMEWORK is seen in the NT where Paul instructs Timothy in his ministry.
…12 Let no one despise your youth but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public READING of Scripture, to EXHORTATION, and to TEACHING.

14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you through the prophecy spoken over you at the laying on of the hands of the elders.… (1 Tim 4:12-14).

The same FRAMEWORK demonstrated in Ezra's ministry is the SAME FRAMEWORK that was and is to be demonstrated in Timothy's ministry and every Preacher's ministry since Timothy.

1. READ the text (i.e., The passage).

2. EXPLAIN the text (i.e., The passage) that you read (i.e., EXHORTATION).

3. APPLY the text that you've explained (i.e., TEACHING).

in summary, Expository preaching is the kind of preaching that, "seeks to unfold the original meaning of the text for the listeners and apply it to their lives".

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I’m amazed that in this post-Millennial, technologically driven age there are people who have problems with formal education. Let me be more specific. I’ve been “choppin it up” with some brothers on the issue of formal theological education and ministry. Is having a bible college or seminary education necessary for ministry? Of course, there are those who say it’s absolutely necessary, and then there are others who say it’s not. The later argue that formal education is a betrayal of the God, it’s somehow leaning on human understanding and NOT trusting the Holy Spirit. It’s been told me that formal education is idolatry. What! Idolatry? You mean to tell me that If a person invests time (Yes, it is an investment) at a theological institution, He or she is somehow displeasing God? You know this is a bit hypocritical in my opinion. We expect technical expertise in EVERY area of life, don’t we? I guarantee when you get on that Delta flight, you want that pilot to be educated on flying. When facing surgery, you best believe that you want him or her educated in surgery. So, why in the heck do we expect less for the people who keep watch over our souls (Heb 13:17).
The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Tim 3:1-7 concerning the qualifications of the Elder (i.e., the pastoral leader). One of the key qualifications is found in verse two. He MUST be “…able to teach”. Commentator Steven Cole writes this, “…By “able to teach” Paul means that an elder must know Scripture well enough to be able to set forth sound doctrine and to refute error in a kind manner without quarreling (see 2 Tim. 2:24 where the word is also used). He must be a man of the Word who also understands people so that he can guide people into God’s truth. And since you can never arrive at a complete knowledge of God’s Word, an elder must be continuing to study with a teachable heart.”
Another Commentator states the following concerning teaching. “The Lord's servant must be didaktikos, which means, SKILLED in teaching, COMPETENT to teach…not only does he have skill in the communicating end of it, but he has the ability to make it believable because he lives it. The New Testament also encourages him to be paidionta which means to be TRAINED. This word comes from a word that means little child, to be DISCIPLINED or TRAINED or EDUCATED like a child. You put together then the SKILL in teaching and the TRAINING and you have what it takes to be an effective teacher (MacArthur).
I speak from experience when I say that to do teaching right, requires every ounce of one’s ability. You may never see the inside of a bible college or Seminary, but the requirements and standards for being a teacher of God’s word are no less demanding. I did a little research and discovered what the preparation time frames are for certain careers:
#1. Doctor 11-16 years.
#2. Dentist 8 years.
#3. Lawyer 7-8 years.
#4. Pilot 4-20 years.
If it takes this kind of prep for these important jobs, HOW MUCH MORE should the Physician of souls be properly prepared for the most important job in the universe. Listen up. It’s not the “Call” that qualifies you for pastoral/teaching ministry, it’s meeting the biblical qualifications that qualify you for pastoral/teaching ministry. And one of the qualifications is having the ability to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). Rightly dividing the Word is a learned/earned ability.
However, you learn it, whether, through bible college or seminary or church library, the skill of teaching must be learned. No excuses.