The Gospel

Monday, January 15, 2018


Christian Nationalism is a false ideology/system.   Even though some of the affirmations of CN are clearly stated in the Scripture for instance:
1.  Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Saviour of Mankind.
2.  All life, from conception until death, is sacred and the right to life is paramount.
3.  Marriage is an institution sanctioned  by God between one man and one woman

Other CN beliefs are not clearly stated in Scripture for instance:
1.  Every American has the right to practical self-defense and the right to bear arms is as important as any of our other liberties.
2.  Capitalism is the best system for social development and Christian Charity the world yas ever known....."
3.  Strong borders are a necessity for a safe and prosperous society.
4.  Islam.....must be recognized and treated as a threat to America and Western Civilization as a whole"
5.  Politics is JUST as capable of SAVING SOULS as other forms of Evangelical outreach.
(Points 1-5 are taken from the CN website:

These last four tenants dont come from the Bible, but from paranoia.  You can certainly call this movement NATIONALISTIC, but you can't call it it Christian. There is NOTHING Christian about the present day CN movement.

Jesus was VERY clear when He said, "By THIS all people will know that you are my Disciples......"  What is the "This"? Well, let me tell you what it is NOT.
1 It is NOT the right to bear arms.
2.  It is NOT Capitalism.
3.  It is NOT strong borders.
4. It is NOT hatred toward Islam.
5.  It is NOT Hatred of the poor.
6.  It is NOT belonging to the "RIGHT" political party.
7.  It is NOT citizenship in America

So, what is the "THIS" that Jesus that says identifies people as belonging to Him ( i.e,  True Christians).  IT is LOVE (John 13:35). By LOVE will all people know that you are His disciples ( i.e. followers).

Let me state Loud and clear.  In my opinion, the CN movement is NOT a true Christian movement because it is NOT driven by LOVE. It is driven by a paronoid, racially/economically biased, Humanistic ideology/politic dressed in Christian clothing ( a form of liberation theology).  Just because one prefaces something with the Adjective "Christian" DOES NOT make that thing Christian.  For example, take Christian Science.  Christian Science is NEITHER Christian nor Scientific. How about the "Way International"?  It may be international, but it AIN'T the way.  What about the "Unification Church"?  Well, it may be Unified, BUT it's  NOT the Church.

Let me close with this.  Jesus said in Matthew 24:5, "For many will come in my name, claiming, " I am the Christ", and they will DECEIVE many".  Folks this is happening TODAY and the CN movement is one of those many.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The purpose of trials - Todd McCauley

I'm working through the 6 book series, "Design for Discipleship" with a precious fellow saint. We are on the lesson entitled, "Character in Action".  This lesson deals with the subject of suffering.  The opening paragraph states, "A Christian is not immune to the experience of suffering......for a Christian, SUFFERING carries with it the promises of God's sovereign purpose in SHAPING the inner qualities of life"(emphasis mine).

This lesson was a fantastic reminder of the PURPOSE of suffering in our lives.  On page 45 of our lesson, it stated, "A man's response to problems determines his maturity level.  Each crisis is an opportunity for victory or defeat".

Folks, did you read that?  "...A man's response to problems determines his maturity level, each crisis is an opportunity for VICTORY or DEFEAT".  We all "GO" through stuff, BUT we don't all "Grow" through stuff.

Allow me to briefly talk about the wrong and right responses to our trials.  The wrong way to respond to your trials which will always result in DEFEAT are as follows:
1.  Not seeking the Lord/Forgetting God (Ps106:13-15)
2.  Seeking vengeance (i.e., repaying Evil for Evil) [Rom 12:17-19]
3.  Bitterness/Anger (Heb 12:15)
4.  Ingratitude (Eph 5:20)
5.  Unforgiveness (Acts 7:59-60)
6.  Quitting (Rom 12:12)
7.  Cheap substitutions (Eph 5:18)

On the other hand, the RIGHT way to respond to your trials which will result in VICTORY are as follows:
1.  Thanksgiving (1 Thess 5:18)
2.  Rejoicing (James 1:2)
3.  Persevering/Endurance (Rom 5:3-5)
4.  Worship (Job 1:20-22)
5.  Forgiveness (Luke 23:34)
6.  Seeing God's bigger picture (Rom 8:18)
7.  Obedience (Heb 5:8)

Brothers and sisters, you may or may not know this but trials/suffering are part and parcel of the Christian life. No matter what you're going through right now (e.g., Joblessness, Divorce, Sickness., Etc) you MUST understand that TRIALS are what God uses to make us the kind of people that bring honor to His name, namely MATURE Christians.  THEREFORE, we MUSTN'T run from trials BUT rather ENDURE them.  Why?  Because God glorifying Maturity (i.e. Divine Character building) can ONLY be reached through the patient endurance of trials.  Christians who attempt to escape, mitigate or soften their trials, demonstrate spiritual immaturity which one writer states is the #1 problem in our churches.

People, NEVER FORGET THIS. "God always designs our trials/sufferings for our welfare ("good") even though it may not be pleasant ("Joyful") to endure".  How you handle your trials will make you either BITTER  or  BETTER.
