The Gospel

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reforming the Black Church - Todd McCauley

Several centuries ago, a radical Roman Catholic monk was sick and tired of what he was seeing in the church and decided to post his 95 protests or complaints on the door of a local church in Wittenberg Germany. You know what? I
 feel what this monk by the name of Martin Luther did. I too am sick and tired of what I'm seeing taking place in a lot of our local African-American churches. Before I continue with my protest, let me say that I believe many local churches in general, whether black, white, Hispanic, etc, are in a serious state of confusion. But this blog focuses on the "Urban" local church because that is my experience. Like Luther, I propose to present my own list of protests or complaints and I consider this blog my "Castle" church door. Before I launch into the list of my protests, it is only fair to say that not everything in the black church (from here on out referred to as the "BC") is bad. In fact there are several things that I love about the BC: First, I love the Praise. There is nothing like urban gospel music, sung by an anointed choir. There is nothing more thrilling than sitting in an auditorium filled with on fire people singing and shouting to the Glory of God. Second, I love the preaching style. Now mind you I'm not always crazy about the content, but nobody can light and excite a room like an on fire black preacher. Third, I love some of the programs. I really appreciate the benevolent efforts that the BC tries to address. I believe it was James who said, "Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works". Amen!! Fourth, I love urban Esprit de corps.  I've never felt ashamed to be a black man when gathered with black saints (y’all who are black know what I mean). These are just a few of my favorite things about the BC. Now let's get to the heart of the matter. Listen my friends, if the BC is to survive and thrive until Jesus comes, the following protests must be addressed and tackled(the following are not in any particular order):

1. The BC must deal with its 
Leadership crisis (out of all the protests that are mentioned, this is the chief one. In other words all the other protests stem from this one). Far too many of our so called leaders are unqualified for the job. The Bible makes it clear (e.g., 1 Tim 3 and Titus) that the leadership of any local church must not be dictators, adulterous, sexually immoral, abusers of substances or people, liars, thieves, covetous, new converts, immature, hypocritical, blasphemers, conceited, and greedy narcissists. Unfortunately you know as well as I do that many of our BC leaders are these things. These kind of leaders must step down or be removed immediately.  The way the local urban church deals with the "leadership crisis" is by pastors taking their equipping charge seriously.  Ephesians 4:11-12 is no joke, "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.." Men might not be able to afford seminary or Bible college, therefore Pastor, "You, train em".  Men want the perks and privileges or pastoral ministry, BUT not the responsibility.  The "leadership crisis" that exists in the local church is NOT the fault of Seminaries, but of local churches themselves.  We must never forget, as go our leaders, so go our churches.

2. The BC must be excruciatingly selective in who serves in leadership. If a man does not line up with the Biblical criteria, they should not serve (it doesn't matter what kind of visions he has seen or the voices he has heard or the educational credentials he has received).

3. The BC must reaffirm gender based roles in church leadership. YES, I realize that our black sisters have been the backbone and in many cases are still the backbone of the local BC (Thank you!!) but this does not give you, ladies the right to disobey Scripture and usurp a role that God 
has not, I repeat, "has not" given to you. Urban Women, listen up! The pastoral leadership of the local church is for Godly men, I repeat, "Godly men", who meet the Biblical criteria. Ladies, for the sake of God's church you must step away from pastoral leadership, you don't belong there!! Shame on you men who foster and nurture female pastors/elders in your congregations, this is abject disobedience, and it sets our sisters up for eternal failure. God cannot and will not bless disobedience no matter how pragmatic the need is.

4. The BC must rediscover and regain the practice of loving church discipline. God has called his people to be "holy" as He is holy. Loving church discipline is a key to promoting healthy, Godly living in the body (Matt 18). A lot of the nonsense going on in our churches would be thwarted if church leadership had the guts to hold people accountable.

5. The BC must reaffirm the sanctity of Holy Matrimony. In other words we need to protect marriage. God can be no clearer in Scripture, He HATES DIVORCE Allow me to be clear, God hates unbiblical divorce.

6. The BC must regain a biblical versus a pragmatic philosophy of ministry. We must forsake all man-centered, man-generated visions and return to Scripture for our direction. Listen, it matters not what "Bishop" thinks, the question is, "What does God think"? (Or have we gotten "Bishop" and "God" confused?)

7. The BC pulpit must return to expository preaching (This is the art of clearly explaining the text of Scripture). Topical or thematic preaching is killing the BC. The scores of ignorant Christians are the direct product of Lazy topical and thematic preaching (Hooping). Listen! Preacher, If you don't know how to prepare good expositional sermons, you have two options:
1)Enroll in a good Bible centered seminary or Bible college that affirms and believes in Exposition. -or-
2)Step down from the pulpit and find another job immediately.

8. The BC must protect the roll of membership. The people that should be members of the local church are the same ones that are members of the Universal church (i.e., Born-again followers of Christ). The local church is not a lodge or social club, therefore just anybody cannot be members of our churches. The reason why our churches are filled with homosexuals, pagans, heretics, etc., is because our churches have failed to guard the front doors and are extending the right hand of fellowship to any Tom, dick and harry. What fellowship does light have with darkness? Also pastoral leadership must not be afraid to clean the roll of those who haven't darkened the doors of the church for years.

9. The BC must guard its associations. NO!! We don't all serve the same God. Muslims, politicians, Community activists, Masons, etc., have no business standing in our pulpits or having voice in any arena of our fellowships. We must guard the sanctity of our communion (1 Cor 6).

10. The BC must stop feeding at the breast of the Government. Too many of our churches are dependent on "faith-based" income to survive, forget the programs. If the truth be told, many of the so-called faith based programs are merely means of extra income for our greedy non-faith based leaders. Someone said, “God’s work, done God's way, will never lack God's supply" (AMEN!!!)

11. The BC must cease its idolatry (meaning, "excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion). The 1st commandment says, "No other gods..." Yet we disobey and make gods of our pastors. Pastor-worship is idolatry. Much of the excessive or blind devotion given to our pastoral leadership is due to poor teaching and preaching on Biblical leadership by the very ones who are supposedly leading. Folks, its okay and we should love and respect our Pastoral leaders. But, adoration, reverence and devotion belong only to the LORD.

12. The BC must protect the sanctity of the family. We must stop supporting as already mentioned, 
unbiblical divorcesWe must stop being silent about abortion, we must stop being silent about child sexual and spousal abuseWe must stop being silent on homo, bi (i.e., down low) and transsexualityWe must stop being silent on teen pregnancyWe must stop being silent on "Shacking Up" and every other sexual immorality warring against the family. The BC shouldn't be the enemy of the family rather her fiercest advocate.

13. The BC Leadership must stop purposely keeping God's people ignorant, in the dark and dependent on him or the church program. Dear preacher, God has called you to equip the saints for the important work of ministry. You educate yourself to Dr. Status, yet your people languish in ignorance to your delight (I guess this means Job security if you keep the people dependent on you). This must stop, you must empty yourself on behalf of God's people. Stop holding out on God's property.

14. The BC must cease being the, "Keepers of the aquarium" and return to being the, "Fishers of men". The Gospel must again take priority both here and abroad. The BC has always been involved in world missions and we must not lose this God-ordained priority. For the sake of our future survival as an institution we must regain our passion for spiritual reproduction and our leaders must take the lead.

15. The BC must make 
discipleship along with evangelism our top ministry priority. Our preoccupation and fascination with programs cannot replace our God given duty to disciple all we win. Discipleship is God's long term strategy for effective, long term change.

16. Does the BC know what corporate prayer is? When was the last time your church had a real prayer meeting where all they did was pray? E.M Bounds writes, 
"All things and everything are dependent on the measure of men's praying. Prayer is the genius and mainspring of life. We pray as we live; we live as we pray. Life will never be finer than the quality of the closet. The mercury of life will rise only by the warmth of the closet. Persistent non-praying eventually will depress life below zero."

17. The BC must not let our culture lead our Christianity, rather our Christianity must lead our culture.

18. The BC must remember that it is not the size of the chicken coop that matters, but the quality of the chickens. We must stop buying into the success syndrome. God has called us to be faithful. One great preacher put it this way, "
You take care of the depth of your ministry, and God will take care of the breadth of your ministry". AMEN!!!

19.Black church leaders must stop fleecing the flock in order to improve their own standard of living. Black preacher your greed is an affront to the living God.

20. Black church leaders must stop fleeing from the flock. Why do you live in a different zip code than the majority of your people? Why is you phone # unpublished?


How come nobody knows where you live? Preacher why do you only preach 15-20 Sundays out of a given year? Your first duty!! is to the local flock that God has assigned you. Unless you are deathly sick or you're taking your deserved vacation (some of y'all don't deserve a vacation) or sabbatical, you should be in your pulpit every Sunday morning and Sunday night. You want to be a guest preacher, do it on a Wednesday or Thursday night. I know, those nights aren't good money makers right? Listen preacher, it is impossible to disciple from a distance.

      These are just a few of the protests that I have, I'm sure there are more. If you can think of some to add, I would love to add them. Just respond by clicking on the word comments at the end of each post. Thank you for reading the ramblings of a mad man. It is my daily prayer that God would 
reform and revive the local urban church. I pray that God would remove the bad, lazy, ungodly leaders and replace them with Godly on fire men who have nothing but the glory of God in mind. When I look at the local urban church, I don't see just doom and gloom, I see awesome untapped potential. I truly am excited.


For those of you who are currently serving in positions of pastoral leadership. Taking the things that have been communicated to heart, I believe will lead to transformation in your local church. I also believe that implementing the ideas communicated could lead to your unemployment. Therefore count the cost.

For His Glory,
Rev. Todd

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