Did you get that last part? They are using this guy's book as a, "...Framework to guide (their) daily decisions". Folks, isn't that the role the Bible should play in the lives of people?
Why in the world are Christian men studying a book ABOUT the Bible, and not the Bible itself?
One reason I believe is because we have lost CONFIDENCE in the SUFFICIENCY of Scripture.
As I close, allow me to remind us of three (3) important truths about Scripture:
First, it is the Scripture alone that sanctifies us (cf. John 17:17a). The word Sanctify means, “to make holy", "to set apart". Friend, ONLY God's word makes us Holy.
Second, it is Scripture alone that is truth (cf. John 17:17b). The word "truth" means, "that which corresponds with reality". Brother and Sister, Only God's word corresponds totally and absolutely with reality.
Third, it is Scripture alone that is inspired (2 Tim 3:16). The Greek word translated by the English word inspired is the word, "Theopnuestos"(pron, the-op-new-stoss). This Greek word speaks concerning the character and communication of God's word (in the original autographs). In the Greek NT this word is found only one time, in 2 Tim 3:16, and means, "breathed out by God". When the Scriptures were orginally penned God insured that what the authors wrote, they wrote without error. What this one Greek word tells me about Scripture is that the ONLY thing on planet earth that is without error is Scripture. The ONLY writing on planet earth that bears the character of God is Scripture. Our books aren't inspired, our dreams aren't inerrant, our visions aren't sufficient, and our songs aren't complete. Therefore, if the Bible alone Sanctifies, if the Bible alone is Truth, if the Bible alone is inspired, WHY, are we as Christians studying in our so-called "Bible studies" everything BUT the Bible itself?
Lord, where's the word, where's the word?
For His Glory,
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