O.K. I'm driving to work, it takes me approximately 35 minutes one way, 30 minutes if I catch all the lights just right. One of the things I like to do on the drive is either listen to a downloaded sermon on my Ipod or talk on the phone, Jesus did say, "redeem the time" right? Well this time I'm listening to my favorite preacher, John MacArthur - who else- He is expounding 1 John 2:2. This is that great text which talks about Jesus being both our Advocate (i.e., defense attorney) and Propitiation (i.e., satisfaction). This was such excellent Bible teaching, unlike much of today's pulpiterring which is about motivation and entertainment, John's teaching resulted in my being convicted and encouraged at the same time which is what great preaching should do. Throughout this hour long sermon, I was reminded of the great doctrines of Christ's Advocacy and Propitiation. People!! When was the last time you heard a sermon on the PROPITIATION of Christ. Can you even say, Propitiation. My point is, we as God's people in this 21st century have been severely deprived when it comes to our Theology. You know what? When the average Christian hears the word, Theology, it's like hearing the word Castor Oil, we have an immediate gag reflex. Folks, I'm impressed to write to let us know that Theology is not a bad thing., it's not the enemy, it's our very life blood. God's gave us Theology (i.e., truth about God) not to make us smarter, not to give us careers (e.g. professional theologians), not to make us best selling authors. RATHER, God gave us Theology to make us Holier. The Apostle Paul makes it clear, God gave us Theology to:
1. Teach us
2. Reprove us
3. Correct us
4. Train us in righteousness
5. Equip us for every good work
Without sound Biblical Theology, we are like a body without a skeletal system, a plane without wings, a train without tracks. We must return to the old paths. I remember a time when I could sit in church and expect to hear a good sermon on something like the sufficiency of Scripture or the infallibity/inerrancy of Scripture. I also remember great sermons on the substitutionary atonement of Christ or how about the Rapture of the Church. Check this out, I remember being a part of an early morning Bible study led by the pastor at the church building on the significance and meaning of the Old Testament Tabernacle. Today you're lucky if the preacher mentions Jesus.
Thanks Dr. John for reminding me of the vast importance of theology.
For His Glory,
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