Stop loving the world (part 2)
C. H. Spurgeon wrote,"If I had a brother who had been murdered, what would you think of me if I ...daily consorted with the assassin who drove the dagger into my brother’s heart; surely I too must be an accomplice in the crime. Sin murdered Christ; will you be a friend to it? Sin pierced the heart of the Incarnate God; can you love it?"
Today I continue my discussion of first John chapter 2, verses fifteen through seventeen. If you rea d part one of, "Stop loving this world" I stated that John the Apostle who wrote first John has issued an urgent command to his believing readers (cf., vs 12) to STOP!! an awful action that had been going on. It appears that some professing Christians within this more than likely Ephesian congregation, had forsaken their first love (i.e., committment, priority) namely Christ, for another love, namely this anti-god, anti-Christ system and the stuff associated with this system.
The Apostle John in verse sixteen gives three (3) reasons why Christians should not love (i.e., be committed to, prioritze, cherish or high prize) this anti-God, anti-Christ system and it's stuff. In other words, John gives three reasons why those of us who profess Christ as Lord and Saviour - when it comes to the world system and it's stuff - should be different, distinct, separate.
The first reason is because of the content of this system (vs 16), "For everything in the world (system) - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world (system). Christians, of all people SHOULD NOT cherish, prioritze or be committed to this anti-God, anti-Christ system because of what's in it. John say's that there are three (3) components that make-up this evil, depraved, Satan inspired system: The first is the, "...the cravings of sinful man...." These are the insatiable yearnings or desires of our fallen human nature. This evil, anti-God, anti-Christ system promotes (i.e., encourages) fleshly lusts through things like the visual media, radio, music and the printed page. Satan has a corner office on Madison Avenue. The second thing that comprises this evil, depraved system is the, "....Lust of his eyes....." Scripturally, the eyes are the avenue of temptation. For instance according to Genesis 3:6, when Satan wanted to decieve Eve, he appealed to her sight. According to Josh 17:21, Achan the fellow who brought shame on Isreal by taking what was forbidden by Joshua did so because he was tempted by what he saw. Remember the song you learned in Sunday school, "Be careful little eyes what you see". Brothers and Sisters, we must STOP allowing this anti-God, anti-Christ system - which controls the culture in which we live, move and have our being - to seduce us through our eyes. TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF!!! The third thing that comprises this evil, depraved system is, "...the boasting of what he has and does...." The New American Standard Bible translates this as, "The pride of life". One writer by the name of Vaughan decribes this kind of pride as, " arrogant spirit of self-sufficiency and a vain sense of security, both of which are based upon a false estimate of the stability and Value of worldly things". Ouch! read that again, I'll wait. Don't you love it when people post pictures of their stuff on Facebook or Twitter? Why?
May I add a word of clarity here? When John say's do not love the things of this world, I don't believe he is talking about physical things per se. He's not talking about cars, clothes, cribs and all that stuff. He is talking about the attitudes and motivations of the fallen system that we Christian if we're not careful can buy into. This is what he has just described in verse sixteen. Christians of all people, those who have been reedemed from the curse of the Law, those who have been regenerated by Grace through faith. should NOT be committed to the same attitudes that exist among unregenerate, fallen humanity. We as Christians should not be Driven by the insatiable cravings of our flesh, we as Christians should not be controlled by the lust of our eyes. We as God's people should not be motivated by pride, in other words, boastiing about what we have and do. These are the things of the world system that John is talking about.
The Second reason why Christians should NOT love this anti-God, anti-Christ world system nor the things associated with this evil system is because of who the creator of this system is. "...for everything in the world (system)......comes not from the Father but from the world..." What John is saying is that all the ugly, competitive attitudes that exist in this evil, anti-God, anti-Christ system does not originate in God the Creator. In other words, this anti-God, anti-Christ system shows absolutely no likeness at all to his character and is contrary to the life which he wills for His people. Listen!! because we are Children of God, we have NO BUSINESS, "....courting the world's favor, following it's customs, advice, principles, adopting it's values, coveting it's prizes or seeking it's fellowship" (i.e., partnership). Why? Because this evil system is not from God, but from it's father Satan.
The Third reason why Christians should NOT love this anti-God, anti-Christ system is because of the destiny of this fallen, bankrupt system. " The world (i.e., system) and it's desires pass away..." Folks as I type this words, this evil, fallen, depraved, Satan inspired system is dissolving and fading away. This is very important, please GET THIS!!! As Christians, we are to be concerned withd the ETERNAL verses the TEMPORAL. If you conform yourself to this evil system, you have conformed yourself to a sinking ship.
In closing John gives for his readers two (2) results or consequences if you will, that will occur based on how one responds to John's command. First, there is the negative result in verse fifteen (15). "....If anyone loves the world (i.e., system) the love of the Father is not in him". If you claim to be a follower of Christ and you have forsaken your First love, namely Christ, YET, you hear the call of God to Repent and turn back to Jesus AND you do so, you demonstrate that you are truly a child of God. Why? Because God's children always hear the voice of Christ and respond (John 10). Only God's children have ears to hear the voice of the master (Rev 2). But on the other hand, if you profess to be a Christian and your life is controlled by a committment to this world system and it's desires, motivations and attitudes and you remain in this state even after hearing the call of God to repent, then you demonstrate that you are not a child of God. In fact, you demonstrate that you were never a child of God (i.e., the love of God was NEVER in you). You can say all day that you love God, but love for God isn't measured by what you say, but by what you do (James 2). Second, there is the positive result (1 John 2:17b). For those of us who abide by John's command to not love the system nor adopt it's attitudes and motivations, John promises, "...the man who does the will of God, lives forever". Warren Wiersbe writes appropriately, "Long after this world system with it's vaunted culture, it's proud philosophies, it's egocentric intellectualism, and it's godless materialism has been forgotten, and long after this planet has been replaced by the new heavens and earth, God's faithful servants will remain - sharing the glory of God for all Eternity".
For His Glory
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