The Gospel

Friday, June 3, 2016

Are there Prophets today? - Todd McCauley

So here’s the question, Are there Prophets today? After reading through select passages of the OT, my answer is NOPE. Listen, you can call yourself whatever you want, but the proof is not in the title, but in the action. The Bible is clear as to what characterizes a True Prophet or Man of God. I’m right now looking at Deut 18; 2 Kings 1 and Jer 14) which gives several important traits of the TRUE Prophet of God.
1. True Prophets are God sent, not man sent (Deut 18:15 & 18) True Prophets don’t raise or appoint themselves.
2. True Prophets ONLY speak the word of God, Never their own word (vs. 18). True Prophets NEVER give their opinion or their “two cents”. True Prophets NEVER speak contrary to the revealed word of God (Deut 13:1-5).
3. True Prophets are accountable to God for what comes out of their mouths. A TRUE Prophet who speaks presumptuously (i.e., outside of the limits of what is permitted) or incorrectly is subject to God’s discipline (i.e., Death) [vs. 20-22].
4. True Prophets are 100% accurate (vs. 22).
5. True Prophets live humble, simple, God-dependent lives (2 King 1:8).
6. True Prophets are NOT ear ticklers. They are preachers, NOT life coaches. They are committed to telling men what God says versus telling men what they want to hear (1 Kings 22:6; Jer 14:15).

So in conclusion, are there Prophets today? NOPE. The Bible is clear that the church's foundation was already laid on the ministry of the Apostles and Prophets. Ephesians 2:20 states, "Together, we are his house, built on the FOUNDATION of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself". The Proclaimers (i.e.,God's mouthpieces) in today's economy are Pastor/Teachers and Evangelists (Eph 4:11).

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